
Senior High School

SMAN 3 Malang (2016 - 2018 / accelerated program)
Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Final Score : 359.0 / 400
Average Score : 90 / 100


Bandung Institute of Technology / ITB (2018 - 2022)
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Final Predicate : Highly Satisfactory
TOEFL ITP Score : 573
Final Project :
Study of Nephelium lappaceum (Rambutan) Peel Extract as Organic Inhibitor for Corrosion Control of ASTM A36 Steel in HCl 1 M Solution


  • RevoU Full Stack Software Engineering Mini Course
  • RevoU Full Stack Data Analytics Mini Course
  • W3School's Basic HTML and CSS
  • The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp by Dr. Angela Yu on Udemy
  •'s Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Internship and Other Experience


Engineering Department of PT Paiton Operation and Maintenance Indonesia (POMI)

  1. Assignment Topic : Potential and Current Analysis of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) in Coal Unloading Docks (Jetty) at PT. POMI
    • Inspecting the potential and current of 150 ICCP anodes using multimeter
    • Analyze and process the data using NACE Standard RP0176-94 (Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms Associated with Petroleum Production)
    • Write the final result in a report and present it

Other Experience

Corrosion Laboratory Assistant at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

  • Organize and lead the practicum of 80 students
  • Prepare the assignment (quiz, report, etc) for the practicum
  • Help to research about corrosion inhibitor topic

Organizational Activity

College Organization

Association of Metallurgical Engineering Student of Bandung Institute of Technology (2019 - 2022)

  1. Head of Operational (IT and Logistics) Department of Metalfest ITB 2022
    • Do the front-end web development to provide information and registration portal for the event by using wordpress based web development
    • Work with a team of 5 men to provide a livestreaming service in youtube using OBS software (include setting the layout, loading screen, interactivity, etc)
    • Hosting a zoom meeting by preparing the room, managing breakout room, etc for 500 participants

  2. Staff of Senator's Aspiration Committee
    • Collect aspiration from all 300 organization members with form
    • Organize and process all the aspirations using excel
    • Write a monthly report about the conclusion of all aspirations

College Organization

ITB Archery Student Club "Pasopati" (2019 - 2022)

  1. Field Commander of Pasopati's Recruitment Program / Komandan Lapangan Proses Penerimaan Anggota Baru
    • Organize all the recruitment program (event, schedule, place, etc)
    • Work with a team of 7 men and coordinate with other division that consist of 50 people in total
    • Make all the weekly field plan for the event that has 200 participants
    • Lead the daily briefing for the event

  2. Staff of Treasurer
    • Make a monthly cashflow in excel and publish the data to become readable using tableau software

Other College Organization

Head of Legal Department in Ganesha Academy Changemaker 2021

  1. Responsible for the legality of the event (venue permit, time permit, etc)
  2. Finding and contacting all the 13 seminar speakers that consist of important people and alumni
  3. Responsible for managing appreciation gift for the 13 seminar speakers

Bureau of Relation and Communication in Kongres KM ITB (equal to BEM in other college)

  1. Collect aspiration from all 50 college organizations
  2. Organize and process all aspirations using excel
  3. Write a monthly report about the conclusion of all aspirations