Metalfest ITB Website

This website is a project of Metalfest ITB committee to provide information and make the event registration easier. This website is a wordpress based website. I was in charge for all of the front-end section. You can see the website preview here or go to the link to see the detail (if the domain is not expired).

RevoU Full Stack Software Engineering Mini Project

This is one of a course that I take in my spare time. The challenge of this course is I can only do a front-end web development by using only HTML, vanilla CSS, and vanilla JavaScript (no framework allowed) in 5 work days. You can see the preview or go to the link here to see the details.

My Own Portfolio

You are here. This is the page that I use for storing my profile, experience, and projects. This website is made by the help of many framework like Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, and ReactJS. I also use SCSS for easier style management. This project took me 6 work days to finish.